Monday, July 21, 2008

Stuff White people other places besides Garland

I don't know if you've gone by the site stuff white people like but if you haven't you should. Pretty funny site in my opinion. Some may feel it is a stereotype or just plain not true but eh. Who cares what those people think? A lot of the stuff the creator brings up is often true. Except for the black friend thing. and the scarves. I'm from Texas. Where I'm from in Texas you get laughed at for wearing a scarf. Even in the Winter. It's not cold enough for scarves. In fact, the only person that I've seen wearing a scarf was black and we made fun of her for doing such a preposterous thing.

There is never a need for a scarf in Texas. I mean, just wear a jacket. Half the time you don't even need that. The winters here are warm. Sometimes we don't even have Winters. For a person to be walking around with a scarf on is just moronic. If any of my friends wear scarves we are quick to berate them. I promise once we get done, you won't wear it again and probably make fun of someone else for wearing it.

I do believe I'm gonna start writing about what people like. I mean, from my point of view anyway. It'll help me have topics to write about and I'm unoriginal. I may write about stuff I don't like either. erm. whatevs

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